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What You Can Do About Leaving Your Garage Door Open

"There's an app for that."

Seems to me like this is an answer to most of the issues we run into nowadays .

Wouldn't you guess that this includes garage door openers / openers too?

As you might've guessed this solves a few issues and I have to say:

It is nice (:

The Problem

Going to work in the morning, or going grocery shopping you jump into the car and leave. What you didn't realize is that you hadn't closed the garage door. Heck, my guess is you are already familiar with the problem.

Don't give sneaky thieves an opportunity. This is exactly what you are doing when you leave your home for hours or even full days when you leave your garage door open. This link provides more detail into a garage door left open.

Forgetting this simple thing can ruin your entire day.

Coming home to an open garage can be incredibly frustrating. You've got to go and check all your belongings to see if anything was stolen. This can make your day so much more difficult. Especially on a Monday, we all know how difficult they are.


So what is it you can do to completely be rid of this?

The answer is simple really. You purchase a Smart Garage Wifi Hub.

This works with any garage door opener made after 1993. Which shouldn't be an issue at all. If you have an garage door opener older than that, I shouldn't have to tell you but REPLACE it.

Motors that old belong in a museum or a forrest as a pile of ash. Seriously, get rid of it and buy a decent belt drive garage door opener with wifi you can thank me later.

What does the hub do for you?

It turns any regular joe of a garage door opener into a nice wifi operated one.

How does that help the situation?

Well, you guessed it, theres an app for your garage door opener. ( haha yes, this was planned all along )

Once you have the hub installed you should be able to operate the garage door from you Android or Apple. Not only are you able to open and close the garage door with your phone but you can also see how long its been in its current state.

You can set up alerts to tell you if it has been opened or closed. So if any thief tries to get in with a remote or any other way, you'll be notified instantly. Pair this with a home security system and you'll see the thief coming from a mile away.

Not only is your thief problem solved but you can work in peace knowing you did in fact close your garage door. You'll also be saving money on gas for those many trips back to the house to make sure you did close the door.

So to recap:

The problem was forgetting to close your garage door.

The solution was to purchase a sort of wifi adapter that allows you to control the garage door with your smartphone.

I hope you found some of this information helpful and hope to see you again in the future (: thanks for visiting this website (: Have an awesome day!

- William P

April 3rd, 2018

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